Saturday, February 13, 2010

Supremes de Volaille a la Milanaise, or Chicken Breasts Rolled in Parmesan and Fresh Bread Crumbs

Chicken Breasts Rolled In Parmesan and Fresh Bread Crumbs

4 Supremes (boned breasts from two fryers) –
¼ tsp. salt and a big pinch of pepper
1 c. flour spread on an 8 inch plate
1 egg , 1/8 tsp salt and ½ tsp olive oil beaten together in an 8 inch soup plate
½ c. freshly grated Parmesan  and ½ cup fine white, fresh bread crumbs mixed together in an 8 inch dish

Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper
One at a time roll them in the flour and shake off the excess
Dip in beaten egg
Then roll in the cheese and bread crumbs, patting them in place with the flat of a knife
Lay the chicken breasts on waxed paper and allow cheese and bread crumbs to set for 10 to 15 minutes or several hours.

Sauté on both sides in clarified butter until resilient to the pressure of your finger.

Julia suggests serving with brown butter sauce, but the button mushrooms in the grocery store looked so good I couldn't resist, so I used the mushroom and cream sauce from Julia's recipe for Sauteed Chicken With Mushrooms and Cream

 Saute the mushrooms in 1 tablespoon butter, remove to a plate when finished browning

Add the 1/2 cup of wine to deglaze the pan, scraping the sides and bottom to incorporate all the seasoning into the liquid. Deglaze until the alcohol has burned off

Add cream and mushrooms to the deglazing sauce and incorporate; boil down rapidly for a minute or two, or until the sauce starts to thicken

Add the chicken and baste with the sauce and mushrooms
Cover and simmer 2-3 minutes to bring chicken back up to a hot temperature
Season again if necessary with salt and pepper

The other beautiful veggies in the produce aisle were the Brussells Sprouts, so I did Julia's braised brussels sprouts with butter, and added some diced pancetta (I know - not French, but yummy!), and I cut the sprouts in half.

1 1/2 quarts blanched brussels sprouts (partially cooked)
Salt and pepper
2 to 4 tablespoons melted butter
2 oz pancetta
A round of lightly buttered waxed paper

Arrange the blanched brussels sprouts heads up in the casserole or baking dish. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, and then with the melted butter.

Lay the waxed paper over the brussels sprouts. Cover and heat on top of the stove until vegetables begin to sizzle, then place in the middle level of preheated oven. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the sprouts are tender and well impregnated with butter. Serve as soon as possible.

All in all quite a good dinner! The  chicken was tender but crispy even with the creamy mushroom sauce which was so savory!

Wish I had taken a better picture!

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